By booking an exam with us, you agree to abide by these policies.
As a small, private business, we work on razor thin margins, and as such, we cannot afford to have no-shows or last minute cancellations without having an appointment reservation fee on file for each and every appointment.
This is to help guarantee communication with us in the case that you either no longer want, or are not able to make it to your appointment time.
The reservation fee is the full cost for the exam itself, which is applied to your account and covers the cost of the exam. We require a minimum of 24 hours notice for a guaranteed full refund for an exam, and 48 hours for surgery.
There are of course occasional exceptions, but those are on a case-by-case basis.
Along with the appointment reservation fee paid up-front when booking, all additional payments are due at the time of service. WE DO NOT OFFER PAYMENT PLANS.
We accept all major credit cards, plus Care Credit, but DO NOT accept checks or cash.
Please be sure to discuss any concerns regarding payment with our staff prior to your visit.
We will always give you a detailed estimate for treatment before we proceed.
All animals brought into our clinic are required to be in a secure, intact, carrier. The animal cannot be able to escape the carrier, and nothing else should be able to get in except for a staff member. (We don’t want a predator-prey encounter)
This is to ensure the safety of your pet, the other pets in the clinic, and our staff.
Please visit our Carrier Guidelines page for additional info!
We understand that when your pet is sick, it can be scary and stressful. Finding a vet can be equally so. This does not mean that your fears or frustrations can be taken out on our team. Our staff members care deeply about their job and want to help every animal that we can, but sometimes there is a limit.
If you shout, swear, cuss at, threaten, or attempt to emotionally blackmail ANY of our staff members, they are fully within their rights to end the discussion and call you out on your behavior.
We have fired clients in the past who have crossed that line one too many times, and those people are no longer welcome at our clinic. It usually takes a lot for us to fire someone though, so please just treat us with basic human respect, and we will do the same for you.
If not for us, for the sake of your pet.
We are a strictly curbside-drop off facility. This means that all general exams, emergency exams, surgeries, grooming, and other misc services are done without the owner in the building.
There have been a few exceptions to this rule, but only for complex consults, or euthanasias.
Please make sure you answer your phone when we call you. A delay in talking with you means a delay in your pet being seen. If we wait too long, we may move on to the next appointment until we are able to speak with you.
Due to an appointment running long, or an emergency, wait times can vary greatly. We understand that your time is valuable, which is why we do the appointments in a drop off fashion. We have people who drive in from out of state sometimes to see us, so we try to keep everyone’s schedules in mind.
You are NOT required to stay in the parking lot while your pet is here. We will be in contact with you over the phone at a few points during the exam, and will inform you when your pet is ready to be picked up. If you can’t make it over to pick them up immediately, as long as we are not near closing, there is absolutely no issue with us watching them for a while longer. If it is close to closing, we may need to recommend boarding them for the night and picking up at your convenience the following day. Depending on the circumstance, there may be a boarding fee associated with this which will be discussed during the call.
Please check out our curbside info page for more details
We understand that these policies may not be to everyones tastes, but this is how we operate. There is absolutely no hard feelings if you would like to give us a call and cancel your appointment. Please just be sure that you give us at least 24 hours notice!